Developing a Kids’ Animation Series for TV [PART TWO]

Applying for Funding The second of a 5-part series where I take you behind the scenes of the most fulfilling experience of my writing life: developing a kids’ animated TV series.  As I said in Part One this 6-year rollercoaster was filled with both success and failure. I hope my journey will be both interesting and…

Developing a Kids’ Animation Series for TV [PART ONE]

A Writer’s Journey This is the first of a 5-part series where I’ll share the ins and outs of one of the most fulfilling experiences of my writing life: developing a pre-school kids’ animation series for TV. This 6-year rollercoaster ultimately ended in failure, but there were some amazing successes along the way. So, after grappling…

LinkedIn for Writers – How to Get Started and Why You Should!

Today I want to talk about LinkedIn as a networking platform for writers. Think it’s just for corporate types? Think again! Bit of a confession: I find networking the most nerve-wracking thing in the world. I HATE talking about my writing and trying to big myself up. It’s excruciating! But I’ve learnt to do it over…

Hold Yourself Accountable with a Box of Crayons!

I was chatting with some writers recently about our biggest struggles. A few issues came up over and over including ‘lack of accountability’. It’s hardly surprising that this is a biggie for many of us. We often don’t have bosses, so it’s entirely up to us to find the self-discipline, drive and determination to sit down…

What to Submit to Agents, Publishers and Producers

Last time I talked about how to know when you’re ready to stop editing. Today I want to talk about what to submit when you approach agents, publishers or producers.   If you’re submitting a manuscript to publishers, it’s a little bit different to submitting a screenplay to producers. But there are some commonalities between…