From Screenplays to Novels: Behind the Scenes with T.R. Guest

Uncover the secrets to resilience & motivation in this interview with writer T.R. Guest I’m delighted to share an exclusive interview with Tim Guest, a talented novelist, screenwriter, and playwright who has gracefully navigated the transition from screenwriting to novel writing. Tim’s journey is inspiring—but it’s also a testament to the resilience and passion that fuels all…

Rejection, Failure & Near Misses. And Everything I’ve Learnt Along the Way.

Let’s talk about rejection. Really?! And failure. And near misses. Eek! It’s kind of embarrassing, isn’t it? Talking about the things that didn’t work out. But writing is incredibly competitive if you want to be published or produced. Of course, we don’t want to believe this when we’re just starting out. The truth is, even when we…

Spotlight on Networking – The London Book Fair

In my last post, I introduced you to my Writers’ Arc tool. Today, I’ll hone in on one of the 8 categories: Marketing and Networking. In particular, I’ll talk about the benefits of attending the London Book Fair, which is coming up in April. Networking Why do it? I’m a big believer in writers incorporating networking and…

Three tips if you want to write professionally (or semi-professionally)

Today’s article is short and sweet and was inspired by a discussion at a recent session of the London Writers’ Meetup. I hope you find these suggestions useful if you want to write professionally. Writing is a craft It takes a while to master it, so don’t expect success from just one piece of work.…

What to Submit to Agents, Publishers and Producers

Last time I talked about how to know when you’re ready to stop editing. Today I want to talk about what to submit when you approach agents, publishers or producers.   If you’re submitting a manuscript to publishers, it’s a little bit different to submitting a screenplay to producers. But there are some commonalities between…