How to Handle Difficult Feedback – Four Tips for Writers

I’ve got a great topic to discuss today: how to handle difficult feedback. I’ve had to deal with difficult feedback more times than I can remember. 😭 You too? There’s always the urge put the damn thing away and move on to something else until you feel braver, right?  But what if you never feel brave enough? What…

The Art of Adaptation: from Picture Book to Animated Film

The most fun and fulfilling writing experience of my life was adapting my children’s picture book into an animation. Here I’m going to divulge some tips about the art of adaptation and share my journey of taking ‘Hopscotch and the Christmas Tree’, from book to screen. If you’re considering writing an adaptation yourself, I hope…

Three tips if you want to write professionally (or semi-professionally)

Today’s article is short and sweet and was inspired by a discussion at a recent session of the London Writers’ Meetup. I hope you find these suggestions useful if you want to write professionally. Writing is a craft It takes a while to master it, so don’t expect success from just one piece of work.…

How to build your stamina when writing something long

Today I’m going to share 11 helpful strategies for helping you to build your stamina, especially when embarking on a long piece of writing. These exact strategies helped me to write multiple feature length scripts, and develop an animation series, without running out of steam or getting burnt out. Sometimes we jump into a big…