(Reflect, Reconnect, Compassion, Techniques, Support) Today, I want to talk about what happens when your writing motivation suddenly slips away, especially when working on a long piece of writing like a novel or feature film. It’s horrible! But what if you could get it back with a few simple mindset shifts? Here’s what’s working for…
All posts in Writing
4 Tips to Help You Start Writing Again After a Break
My son started school a year ago, so this summer was my first long school summer holiday. I took time off work and enjoyed doing fun mummy-and-son activities! When September came around, and he went back to school, I wanted to start writing again. This felt both exciting and daunting. Getting back into the rhythm of it wasn’t…
From Screenplays to Novels: Behind the Scenes with T.R. Guest
Uncover the secrets to resilience & motivation in this interview with writer T.R. Guest I’m delighted to share an exclusive interview with Tim Guest, a talented novelist, screenwriter, and playwright who has gracefully navigated the transition from screenwriting to novel writing. Tim’s journey is inspiring—but it’s also a testament to the resilience and passion that fuels all…
6 Tips to help you write over the Christmas holidays
This week, I had a conversation with a client about making the most of the holidays to write, so I thought I’d share some strategies with you too… How to mentally prepare to write over the holidays Let’s say you have a chunk of time off work and you want to get plenty of writing done. But…
Asking for Help is Scary (Especially if you’re a Writer)
Monthly Inspiration Today I am trialling a new format… An anecdote from me A quote from another writer A useful resource and A call to action Asking for Help / Fear of Failure An anecdote from me I listened to a recent episode of the Happiness Lab podcast and it seemed very relevant to us writers, so…
Get in the Right Frame of Mind to Write Fast!
Let’s talk about getting into the right frame of mind when you sit down to write. On days or weeks when I have a lot going on, I don’t always manage to do this as quickly as I’d like. Some days my brain feels distracted and jumps around my mental to-do list. I feel the urge…
How to Decide the Target Audience of your Cartoon Series
Reader Question Colin got in touch to ask “I have ideas around a children’s cartoon TV series. My question is: how do you work out the target age? I.e. 2-3 years or 4-5 years etc or can you write a generic script sample that covers 2-6 years?” Thanks for getting in touch, that’s a…
Even More Tips from the London Book Fair [Part 2]
Key takeaways from 2 talks at the London Book Fair 2023 – Writing & Resilience and Spotlight on Children’s: How to Get Noticed in a Crowded Market As I said in my last article, I had the pleasure of attending the London Book Fair this year. I sat in on some great panel discussions on…
Top Tips from the London Book Fair [Part 1]
Key takeaways from 3 talks at the London Book Fair 2023 – Making your WIP Stand Out, Keeping up with Social Media, and The Indie Author Income Survey I recently had the pleasure of attending the London Book Fair, soaking up the wonderful writerly atmosphere, meeting up with some lovely writers, and listening to some…
Am I Being Lazy? | Reader Question
Today I’m answering a question from a concerned writer. Am I being lazy?… Frank, from my mailing list and Meetup group, got in touch to tell me about his current writing goal. He’s finished his novella but wants to expand it into a full-length novel. Here’s what he says: “My problem is that I’m lazy. I…