(Reflect, Reconnect, Compassion, Techniques, Support) Today, I want to talk about what happens when your writing motivation suddenly slips away, especially when working on a long piece of writing like a novel or feature film. It’s horrible! But what if you could get it back with a few simple mindset shifts? Here’s what’s working for…
All posts in Writer’s block
Six Strategies to Shut Up Your Mean Inner Critic (So You Can Get on and Write)
Is this making you procrastinate? Today, I want to address one of the most common issues I hear from writers: their mean inner critic keeps convincing them not to write. Most of us have an inner critic, a judge, a mean voice inside our heads who persuades us to procrastinate far more than we’d like.…
4 Tips to Help You Start Writing Again After a Break
My son started school a year ago, so this summer was my first long school summer holiday. I took time off work and enjoyed doing fun mummy-and-son activities! When September came around, and he went back to school, I wanted to start writing again. This felt both exciting and daunting. Getting back into the rhythm of it wasn’t…
5 Simple Tips If You’re Feeling Blocked
At a recent London Writers’ Meetup, a question came up about what to do if you’re feeling blocked, and a wide range of suggestions were shared. I thought you might find them helpful too. What can you do if you’re feeling blocked? Keep Writing! Paul said – Just keep writing, even if it’s just a stream…
The Surprising Benefits of Writing Just For Fun!
I often talk about writing with a specific goal in mind – whether it’s getting your draft finished or selling your work. I think it’s good to be clear and focused. But what about writing without a goal in mind? In other words, writing just for fun? Does that sound like a waste of time?…
Working with a Writing Coach
Many of us find the New Year a great time for new goals. So, you might be thinking about your writing now, what you can achieve this year, or how to fit more writing into your days and weeks. So, I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you what it’s like to work…