What’s holding you back in your writing?
Do you ever feel frustrated that you’re not making the progress you want with your writing, but you can’t figure out why?
Today, I’m introducing a brand new segment for my blog that delves into my Writers’ Arc tool.
You may remember that the Writers’ Arc is a tool I created last year, to use with my clients. It helps them identify which areas of their writing life need the most attention.
I’ve now decided to share it with you lovely readers too. That way, you can use it in your own lives, to help you identify the things that are holding you back.
Today I’ll give you an overview. What it is and how to use it.
What is the Writers’ Arc?
The Writers’ Arc helps you decide what to focus on in your writing life. It’s not just our writing that needs work, we do too.

On my Writers’ Arc diagram, you’ll see the 8 areas of the writer’s life that I think are most important for making consistent progress. However, you can also choose from the following categories (or any others that come to mind) if they resonate with you more strongly.
- Focus – knowing what to focus on
- Resilience – bouncing back from failure
- Confidence
- Courage
- Mindset
- Relationship building
- Commitment
- Research
How to use the Writers’ Arc tool
Once you’ve picked your 8 categories, give each one a mark out of 10 in terms of how you feel you’re doing with it. One being very dissatisfied, 10 being fully satisfied.
Use the first number that pops into your head, not the number you wish it was. Next, note down on the outside of the wheel what you would like the number to be in each category.
This will hopefully help you see which areas of your writing life you need to put the most time and attention into. If there are several areas that need work, ask yourself, what is my top priority right now? It’s not realistic or necessary to work on multiple areas at the same time. Start with your top 1 or 2 most pressing issues.
For example, you might be very inspired, but not have a deadline or any outer accountability. In other words, you’re writing sporadically and taking forever to make progress.
Alternatively, you might have a great daily writing routine, and an accountability group, but get knocked for six every time you receive a bit of negative feedback. In this instance, you’d benefit from working on your confidence and resilience.
Everyone is different – we all need to work on different areas of our life at different times. The Writers’ Arc of Life is a tool that helps us focus on the right things at the right time.
Go deep with some more questions
After completing your arc, set aside 30 minutes to answer some of these questions:-
- Are there any surprises for you?
- How do you feel about your life as you look at the arc?
- Which of these categories would you most like to improve?
- What change would you like to make first?
- How do you currently spend time in these areas?
- How would you like to spend time in these areas?
- What would it take to increase the score in each area?
- What would a 10 look like in your top area(s)?
- How could you make space for any changes in your life?
- What help and support might you need from others to make changes you need to be more satisfied?
- What one key action could bring everything into balance?
Would you like a copy?
If you would like me to send you a digital copy of the Writer’s Arc to fill in yourself, just drop me a line.
In future blog posts, I’ll delve into each of the 8 categories in more detail, to help you work through some of the issues you may be facing.
That’s it for now. I hope you find it helpful! Do get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
1:1 Coaching
PS – Just a reminder – I offer 1:1 coaching.
My focus is helping ambitious writers who are struggling to sit down and write (or sit down and sell their writing). Maybe you’re facing self-doubt, or a block – or simply good old-fashioned procrastination. Whatever it is, I get writers writing (and selling).
As well as the coaching calls I also send out regular text messages throughout the week. This helps you stay on track with a goal, so that you’re fully held accountable. If that sounds appealing, here are my coaching packages. Or book a short free ‘no strings’ call to ask any questions.
Kind words from a client
PPS – Can’t resist sharing this…
“Your work with me has been so fantastic, you’ve been kind and supportive, held me to my goals and wrangled with my procrastination like some kind of super-woman! I can’t thank you enough for everything.”