Today I want to talk about the benefits of plugging away until you get to the end. When embarking on a piece of writing – especially a long piece that’s going to require a lot of time and stamina, I’m a firm believer in the power of getting your first draft written as quickly as…
All posts in Habits
How to Improve Your Craft by Writing Every Day
How often do you sit down and write? Once in a blue moon, or every day like clockwork? Today I want to share two compelling reasons why I think it’s important to write every day. Good writing means working at it Firstly, if you want to get better at something, it stands to reason that…
8 Books to Help Improve Your Writing Craft
I’m a big fan of self-improvement in both my life and my writing. I love taking classes, going to talks, listening to podcasts – anything and everything that can help me glean more wisdom and knowledge. And so it stands to reason that I also love reading books about writing. Today, I’d like to share…
How the Pomodoro Technique can Help you Focus
Do you ever have days when you just can’t focus? You might have a deadline or just want to meet your daily word count, but no matter what you try to do, your mind keeps straying. Perhaps you can’t stop checking your emails, or maybe you keep reading the news, or drifting into your favourite…
How to increase your chances of writing every single day
Do you ever find that day after day you talk yourself out of sitting down to write, I have a quick tip: Write first thing in the morning. Willpower Research shows that we have a finite amount of willpower which wears off over the course of each day with all the decisions we have to…
How to develop a daily writing habit
At a recent London Writers’ Meetup session we discussed how tough it can be to make yourself sit down to write. You might have loads of time on your hands and no excuses not to write. You might desperately want to write. And yet, time and again you find yourself not actually writing. Sound familiar?…
Building Up Your Writing Muscle
Today I want to talk about how to develop your writing muscle as I truly believe that one of the hardest things about writing is sitting down to write. Let’s say you really want to write. You have ideas, you love the thought of writing, you visualise yourself doing it and in your head it…
5 Tips to Help You Stick to a Writing-Related New Year’s Resolution
If you think that the 1st January is a good time to start a new writing resolution, I want to take this opportunity to share 5 tips that I hope will help you stick with your goal. Choose your Resolution For the best chance of success, choose just one resolution at a time – trying…
How to Keep Writing During the Busy Holiday Season
I often find that December is a tough time of year to stay focused, but it’s always really satisfying when I manage to fit in some writing too, even if it’s just 15 minutes a day. If, like me, you get distracted by Christmas shopping and tree decorating, or tired from mid-week parties, here is…
20 Quick Tips to Help You Develop a Regular Writing Habit
For me, having a regular writing habit is the key to both joyful writing and to being a productive writer. Here are 20 quick tips to help you develop your own writing habit. Try one – or several – of the ideas below, whatever tickles your fancy, just so long as you pick up your…