Download the Writers’ Arc of Life PDF free gift and get essential insights to help you decide what to focus on in your writing life.

It’s not just our writing that needs work, we do too.

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The Writers’ Arc tool reveals the 8 areas of the writer’s life that I think are most important for making consistent progress.

Completing this exercise will help you see which areas of your writing life you need to put the most time and attention into. Everyone is different – we all need to work on different areas of our life at different times. This handy tool helps us focus on the right things at the right time.

**By signing up for this free gift, you’ll also receive my fortnightly newsletter where I share tips on all aspects of writing, productivity, habits, blocks and different ways of marketing yourself and your writing AND a free 14-day writing coaching course to help you…

  • Nail your writing goal
  • Generate new ideas
  • Overcome self-doubt
  • Beat procrastination.