The Launchpad Session

One-off 75-minute Coaching Call to ‘Jump Start’ your writing journey.

What is it?

The Launchpad Session is a one-off 75-minute coaching call for anyone who needs to jump-start an aspect of their writing journey.
Most of my other services are ongoing coaching packages. However, not everyone requires ongoing coaching and accountability. But that doesn’t mean you might not be struggling with your writing.

So… the Launchpad Session is for you if you want to…

  • Revitalize your writing process because you’re feeling stuck, lost, or jaded.
  • Create a plan for writing your story, with clear a goal and realistic deadlines.
  • Test run an idea (or ideas) before committing to writing them.
  • Brainstorm strategies for getting your work out there, or figure out how to regularly network as part of your writing day.
  • Discuss your Linkedin profile – or something similar. 

If you’re feeling lost…

… or you don’t know where to go next with your writing, we can use my signature ‘Writers’ Arc of Life’ tool to audit your writing life and come up with a plan for your next steps. 

Copyright Pick Up Your Pen

How will you come away from your Launchpad Session?

  • Excited to get on with your writing.
  • Clear on your goal and empowered by your plan and next steps.
  • Inspired to try out lots of new marketing or networking ideas.
  • Decisive about which idea to write. 

My Approach to Coaching

I’m passionate about helping writers to develop a regular writing routine, and finding joy in the process. Writing can feel like arduous, especially if you keep talking yourself out of it. Developing a good habit is one of my pet topics as it makes writing so much easier

I also love talking about ‘story’ – figuring out what’s working well and what needs more development. 

However, I’m a big believer in working on the business side of being a writer too. I can help you make this a part of your weekly routine, without it feeling daunting. 

I relish working with writers on their mindset, helping them to banish the inner critic and all those niggly feelings of self-doubt.

And finally, I’m a big fan of starting small, being kind to ourselves, and celebrating every little success along the way.

I’d like to help you, wherever you are on your journey. 
If the Launchpad Session sounds like what you need, click below

For longer-term accountability, check out my other coaching packages. Or if you need feedback, take a look here.

How much is the Launchpad Session?

Just £120 for a 75-minute call.

If that sounds interesting, click below!

Still confused?

Please get in touch with any questions. I’d love to help.

To find out more about me, read my ‘About Me’ page.


“Katy’s quite honestly brilliant at this!! I’d never have written the 110,000 words of my first novel without her…”

Frances, novelist

“I was looking for a mentor to escalate my writing productivity – Katy was so much more than that!  She helped me develop a strong writing habit that fitted in with my demanding lifestyle and she addressed – gently – where I’m my own worst enemy.  

If you are looking for someone to coach you to a new level of writing, I can’t recommend Katy highly enough.”

Tamsin, Screenwriter

“Katy’s approach is unfailingly supportive and pragmatic. I always looked forward to our conversations because I knew she would cheer me up and help me overcome my blocks and barriers.”

Olly, Screenwriter