Taking writers from frustrated and stuck to writing every day and selling themselves with confidence

Katy Segrove, writing coach

Hi, I’m Katy!

I’m a Writing Coach

I help ambitious writers sit down and write, sharpen their confidence and start selling themselves and their work with pride

Is this you…?

  • You daydream about writing but don’t do anything about it
  • You’re great at writing on commission but never get around to your own original work 
  • You’re scared to take the first step
  • You’ve written a script or manuscript, but don’t dare send it out
  • You prioritize other people’s goals, but never your own
  • You have time to write, but still find excuses not to sit down and do it
  • You start writing and then get stuck… and stop
  • You’re struggling with a creative or mental block

If this sounds familiar, let’s work together

“Katy’s quite honestly brilliant at this!! I’d never have written the 110,000 words of my first novel without her… Of course there were bumps on the road but Katy always found inventive solutions or options for me to keep going.”

Frances, screenwriter & novelist

How I help

I’m passionate about the pyschology of being a writer because having the right mindset is essential for reaching your goals.

As a writing coach, I help screenwriters and authors, like you, overcome procrastination and self-doubt and set a writing goal.  

I help you find the time to write, set deadlines and build a daily writing habit.

I’ll make sure your goal is concrete and manageable. I’ll break it down into super-simple steps, create a timeline and follow up with detailed emails.

We’ll tackle your creative blocks and crises of confidence. I’ll give you courage and confidence. I’ll help you feel worthy.

I’ll be a sounding board for ideas.

We’ll work on your career strategy.

I’ll help you build your network and develop the right mindset to sell yourself and your work.

We’ll devise a plan for getting your work out there – and I’ll get you approaching agents, publishers or producers as part of your weekly routine.

Best of all, it will be fun!

Writing is a joyful pursuit. Let’s tap back into that joy.

“With Katy’s support I stopped being someone with the pipe dream of “one day writing a screenplay” and became someone who “has actually finished a screenplay”. A minor miracle. Katy’s approach is unfailingly supportive and pragmatic. I always looked forward to our conversations because I knew she would cheer me up and help me overcome my blocks and barriers.”

Olly Rowe, screenwriter

Don’t struggle alone, let me hold you accountable to your writing dream with one of these writing coaching programmes…

The ‘Kickstarter’ Programme

Intense four-week coaching programme to help you jump into action with your writing goal. Get the seat of your pants in the seat of your chair!

It’s hard to get started when you’re going it alone.

The ‘Front Runner’ Programme

A three-month writing coaching programme where you commit to the writing process, get into a rhythm and develop your writing habit.

Writing is easier when there’s someone on your side.

The ‘Flex-It’ Coaching Programme

A rolling programme for the resolute writer who’s committed to moving forward with their writing career. [Pay monthly]

If you’re in it for the long haul, it’s good to have someone cheering you on.

“I was looking for a mentor to escalate my writing productivity – Katy was so much more than that!  She helped me develop a strong writing habit that fitted in with my demanding lifestyle and she addressed – gently – where I’m my own worst enemy. 

She supported my fear of sharing my writing and networking to meet producers.  She was patient, kind and innovative with her techniques, great at making it simple and easy.  

If you are looking for someone to coach you to a new level of writing, I can’t recommend Katy highly enough.”

Tamsin Larby, screenwriter